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Rondreis China: hoe ga je het snelst door het Chinese verkeer?

Stella 21 juni 2021 China Reistips

In China zijn de steden groot, heel groot. Hoe reis je dan het makkelijkste van de ene naar de andere kant door al dat verkeer heen? Stella vertelt je in deze blog hoe zij dat doet: ze pakt de electric bike, oftewel, de elektrische scooter. En ze is niet de enige! Lees snel verder en ontdek hoe jij tijdens je rondreis China het snelst verplaats van A naar B!

Almost all big cities in China now face the problem of traffic jam, especially during the rush hours. So does my city Zhengzhou. The distance between my home and my office is about 17km per single way. If I go to work by public bus, I will be definitely caught into the traffic for at least 2 hours, and I have to change another public bus on the half way.

I used to consider buying a private car, but now I dismissed this idea. Buying a private car is a little expensive for me now, and I will be caught into the traffic jam as well. So, I purchased an electric bike as my everyday transportation vehicle to work. It takes only 55 minutes per single way, much faster than public bus!

Advantages of electric bikes China

So, advantages of electric bikes are obvious:
1)       An electric bike is not so expensive, about 2000-4000RMB (€270-€540) per bike, which is affordable to me, as well as to most people in my city.
2)       It is easy to learn how to ride an electric bike, and I do not need to get a driving license for it.
3)       It is very fast and flexible. When all the public buses and private cars are caught in the traffic jam, electric bikes could go smoothly on non-motor-vehicle roadway.
4)       It is electric drive, which is environmentally friendly. Almost all residence communities have a parking lot equipped with charging posts for electric bikes. The charging cost is only 2-4RMB. (€0,26-€0,54)/time.
5)       There are also parking areas around office buildings, shopping malls, even sides of some roads. When there is a parking area, there will be a parking administrator, who will help you park your bikes, and charge 1RMB(€0,13)/time for parking.

Heb je zelf zin gekregen om China te ontdekken? Kijk dan eens bij onze rondreizen door China en neem contact op met Local Hero Stella.

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